Author: Excelink

Clearing Limiting Subconscious Beliefs

Clearing Limiting Subconscious Beliefs

Clearing Limiting Subconscious Beliefs
Richard O’Neill – Senior Coach

As an executive coach, I have seen firsthand the impact that limiting subconscious beliefs can have on an individual’s personal and professional life. Clearing Limiting Subconscious Beliefs is now one of easiest and most powerful pathways to achieving a more fulfilling life and work experience.

These negative or limiting subconscious beliefs can hold us back from reaching our full potential, creating self-doubt, and self-sabotage.

The good news is that these beliefs can now be rapidly uncovered and cleared, resulting in significant benefits for personal and professional growth.

Discovering Negative or Limiting Subconscious Beliefs

Negative subconscious beliefs are formed through past experiences, messages, and conditioning. Often, we are not aware of these beliefs because they are deeply embedded in our subconscious mind. Some common negative subconscious beliefs include:

  • “I am not good enough”
  • “I am not worthy”
  • “I am not capable”
  • “Success is hard to achieve”
  • “Money is evil”
  • “I am always rejected”

These beliefs can hold us back from taking risks, pursuing our goals, and living a fulfilling life. Identifying these beliefs is the first step in clearing them.

The Benefits of Clearing LIMITING Subconscious Beliefs

Clearing limiting subconscious beliefs can be a life-changing experience. Here are some of the benefits that can be gained:

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Identifying negative subconscious beliefs helps individuals to become more self-aware of their thoughts and behaviors. This awareness enables them to take responsibility for their actions and make positive changes.
  • Improved Self-Confidence: Clearing negative subconscious beliefs can boost self-confidence and increase self-esteem. Individuals can start to believe in themselves and their abilities, leading to a more positive outlook on life.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Negative subconscious beliefs can hinder creativity and innovation. Clearing these beliefs can open up new possibilities and ideas, leading to more creative solutions and opportunities.
  • Increased Productivity: Negative subconscious beliefs can lead to procrastination and lack of motivation. Clearing these beliefs can increase focus and productivity, allowing individuals to achieve their goals more efficiently.
  • Improved Relationships: Negative subconscious beliefs can affect relationships with others. Clearing these beliefs can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships, as individuals become more open and confident.

How to Clear Limiting Subconscious Beliefs

Clearing negative or limiting subconscious beliefs can be a transformative experience that can lead to personal and professional growth. By identifying and challenging these beliefs, individuals can gain a more positive outlook on life, increase self-confidence, and achieve their goals more rapidly

We use proven leading edge techniques to quickly identify and clear beliefs that may not be supporting clients.

Book a Complimentary Strategy Session below, or Check out what people say

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Develop Your Intuition

Develop Your Intuition

Develop Your Intuition
Richard O’Neill – Senior Coach

Intuition is a powerful tool that we all possess, but many of us struggle to tap into its full potential. This article outlines some techniques that can help you develop your intuition and explain the importance of grounding in the process.

When you develop your intuition it can be a great way to make better decisions and navigate the complexities of life.

What is Intuition

Intuition is the ability to understand or know something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is a form of non-conscious processing that can help us make quick decisions based on our past experiences, emotions, and instincts. Intuition is often described as a gut feeling or a sixth sense, and it can be a powerful tool for making decisions in situations where there is limited information or time to consider all the options. Intuition is not the same as psychic abilities or supernatural powers, but rather a natural and innate human ability that we can all develop and hone with practice. It is important to note that intuition should not be relied upon exclusively and that critical thinking and analysis are also necessary for making well-informed decisions.

Here’s How to Develop Your Intuition

One of the most important things you can do to develop your intuition is to listen to it. Often, we ignore our intuition because we are too caught up in our thoughts or emotions. By taking time to quiet your mind and pay attention to your intuition, you can start to strengthen it. You might try meditating or spending time in nature to help you get in touch with your intuition.

Another way to develop your intuition is to pay attention to your physical sensations. Our bodies can give us important clues about what our intuition is trying to tell us. For example, you might feel a tightness in your chest or a sense of unease in your stomach when something isn’t right. By learning to listen to these physical sensations, you can start to trust your intuition more.

Visualization can also be a powerful tool for developing your intuition. You might try imagining yourself in different situations and paying attention to how your intuition responds. This can help you get a better sense of how your intuition works and what it feels like when it’s guiding you.

Finally, grounding is an essential component of developing your intuition. Grounding refers to the practice of connecting with the earth and your physical body. This can help you feel more centred and present, which can make it easier to access your intuition. You might try walking barefoot in nature, practicing yoga, or doing other activities that help you feel connected to your body and the earth.

Your intuition is a powerful way to make better decisions and navigate the complexities of life. By listening to your intuition, paying attention to physical sensations, using visualization, and grounding yourself, you can start to tap into the wisdom that lies within you. With practice, you can learn to trust your intuition and use it to create a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Summarising the key points to develop your intuition:

  • Listening to your intuition is essential for developing it.
  • Clear You mind, and clear your space of clutter and distractions – see our Integrity Checklist
  • You can quiet your mind and get in touch with your intuition by meditating or spending time in nature.
  • Paying attention to physical sensations, such as tightness in your chest or unease in your stomach, can help you recognize when your intuition is trying to guide you.
  • Visualization can be a helpful tool for exploring your intuition and getting a better sense of how it works.
  • Grounding is an essential component of developing your intuition.
  • Grounding practices can include walking barefoot in nature, practicing yoga, or other activities that connect you with your body and the earth.
  • By developing your intuition, you can make better decisions and navigate life’s challenges more effectively.
  • With practice, you can learn to trust your intuition and use it to create a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Learn More

Learn more when you join our Results Coaching Program

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Understand Results Coaching

Understand Results Coaching

Understand Results Coaching
Richard O’Neill – Senior Coach

This post is aimed to help you better understand Results Coaching.  Results coaching is a process of guiding individuals or teams towards achieving their desired outcomes or goals by identifying and addressing the underlying factors that may be hindering their progress. The aim of results coaching is to help individuals or teams reach their full potential and perform at their best.

Results coaching involves a series of structured conversations and processes between the coach and the individual or team being coached. The coach helps the coachee identify their goals, define their vision, and develop a plan to achieve their desired outcomes. The coach also helps the coachee identify any obstacles or challenges that may be preventing them from achieving their goals and works with them to develop strategies to overcome these challenges.

Our Results Coaching process usually starts with clarifying the driving Values, Shadow Values and Visions of the client or team. Then setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and a realistic Action Plan. The coach works with the individual or team to develop an action plan and provides support and guidance throughout the implementation process. Regular progress reviews and feedback are an important part of the coaching process to help individuals stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

Understand Results Coaching includes accountability

One of the key principles of results coaching is accountability. The coach holds the coachee accountable for taking the necessary actions to achieve their goals and monitors their progress along the way. This helps the coachee stay focused and motivated to achieve their desired outcomes.

Results coaching can be used in a variety of contexts, including personal development, career development, and organizational development. The benefits of results coaching include increased self-awareness, improved communication skills, enhanced leadership abilities, and improved performance.

Hopefully this has helped you more clearly understand Results coaching as a powerful tool for individuals and teams who want to achieve their goals and maximize their potential.

By working with our Results Coach, individuals and teams can overcome obstacles, develop effective strategies, and achieve success more rapidly.

“For things to Change First I must Change”

Now You Can Make the Decision to Change and Take Action –

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Check out another Coaching type here Lazer Coaching 

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How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success

How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success

Here is how Your Integrity Empowers Your Success You can accelerate your creativity, evolution and success in your life by consciously addressing your integrity – meaning your connection / relationship / oneness with all people, life and all things.

This can be considered the “Age of Integrity”, after the Information Age has exposed the truth for many  … Now people and organizations are being called to integrity – with the planet, in organizations and in each relationship you have. Those not in Integrity are collapsing and will expire or evolve (Prigogine Principle) for example – numerous religions, companies such as Enron, some financial institutions, some governments, some buildings, some structures …

“Integrity is the essence of everything”Buckminster Fuller

Humanity is being called to one-ness – which means Integrity

Your evolution can be accelerated when you apply this Integrity Checklist …  Use it and see How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success

Best to download the PDF here or click the image –  Integrity Checklist . 

How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success INTEGRITY CHECKLIST
You can accelerate your creativity, evolution and success in your life by consciously addressing your integrity – meaning your connection / relationship / oneness with all people and all things.

The “to do” list contains items that represent items that likely drain your energy. Releasing these will re-integrate and vitalize you.
Begin the checklist by inserting the completion date targeted for the item in the left hand column under Completion Date.

Tick off each item as it is completed. You will feel so much better as you complete the list.


Your Name: _________________________________________

Your Agreement – I now agree with myself to complete the entire Integrity Checklist by: _________

To Do                                                                                                         Completion Date                                                      Tick Complete
1. Deliver any undelivered communications
• Letters to be written
• Acknowledgements to be written
• Broken promises to be acknowledged
• Any lies to be cleaned up
• Anything hidden or held secret to be communicated

2. Resolve any broken agreements
3. Clean your living space totally
4. Clean your car thoroughly
5. Clean your office space
6. Complete any unended cycles
7. Organize your personal files
8. Balance your bank account
9. Pay your bills or make new agreements with your creditors.

Other items ?

Download the Integrity Checklist and see How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success

From Our Book Creation Journeys – A Travellers Guide for Earthlings


Why Do I Need A Coach

Why Do I Need A Coach
Senior Coach – Richard O’Neill

You may have asked Why Do I Need A Coach … Well the truth is most top performers or people wanting to go places whether in business, sport, politics life and relationships or any other field have a coach because they get great value from them.

A coach can give an outside view and see you better in your environment, and see how you are reacting to it.

A coach is like having another team member especially there supporting you.

Here’s what 5 famous top performers say about Why You Need A Coach

“Everyone needs a coach. We all need people that give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, business magnate, investor, author, self-proclaimed philanthropist and humanitarian


“The one thing that people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really, really helps.”

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, Executive Chairman of Google and Alphabet Inc.


“[Coaching helps you] stop the crazy mind chatter in your head that tells you all the time that you’re not good enough.”

Oprah Winfrey, Television personality, actress and entrepreneur


“Something bad has happened to everybody on the planet. But if you continue to tell that story to yourself, that that is who you are, it will continue to be true. But it doesn’t have to be that way.”

Hugh Jackman, Award-winning actor, singer and producer


So Why Do I Need A Coach ? – to be the best you can be and live a life you love.


Contact Richard O’Neill for more information or book a Free Coaching Discovery Call Here


Shadow Values

Shadow Values

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.”

Carl Jung

Shadow values coaching
Richard O’Neill – Senior Coach

Shadow Values in Individuals

According to Carl Jung’s perspective, shadow values refer to the unconscious aspects of a person’s personality that they have repressed or denied. These are the parts of ourselves that we deem unacceptable or unworthy, and therefore we try to hide or suppress them.

Jung believed that the shadow is an essential part of the psyche, and it contains both positive and negative qualities. The positive qualities of the shadow are the qualities that we admire in others but have trouble acknowledging in ourselves. The negative qualities are the qualities that we consider unacceptable in ourselves and try to hide from others.

The shadow values can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, including dreams, fantasies, and projections onto others. They can also lead to feelings of discomfort or even shame when they are brought to the surface.

Jung believed that the process of individuation, or the integration of the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche, requires the acknowledgment and integration of the shadow values. By doing so, individuals can achieve a greater sense of wholeness and authenticity.

Therefore, according to Jung’s perspective, it is essential for individuals to explore and embrace their shadow values to become more self-aware and integrated.


Shadow Values in Organizations

Shadow values refer to the hidden or implicit costs and benefits associated with a decision or action. These costs and benefits are often not accounted for or recognized in the traditional financial analysis and can include factors such as environmental impact, social responsibility, and ethical considerations.

For example, a company may decide to outsource production to a developing country in order to reduce labour costs. While this decision may appear financially beneficial in the short term, it may result in negative social and environmental consequences, such as exploitative working conditions and increased carbon emissions from transportation. These costs are not reflected in the financial analysis and are considered shadow values.

Recognizing shadow values is important because it allows decision-makers to make more informed and responsible choices that take into account the broader impacts of their decisions. Incorporating shadow values into decision-making can lead to more sustainable and socially responsible outcomes.

Know Yourself and whats really driving you

We offer Shadow Values clarity in a number of our coaching packages

Book a time here  –



Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive therapy, also known as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on changing negative patterns of thinking and behavior in order to improve mental health and well-being.

Developed by psychologist Aaron Beck in the 1960s, cognitive therapy is based on the premise that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected and influence one another. This means that negative thoughts can lead to negative emotions and behaviors, while positive thoughts can promote positive emotions and behaviors.

Cognitive therapy helps individuals identify and challenge negative or distorted thinking patterns, such as black and white thinking, over generalization, and catastrophizing.

By simple proven processes clients can learn to replace non constructive patterns with more balanced and preferred thoughts and actions.

In addition to changing negative thinking patterns, cognitive therapy also helps individuals develop new coping strategies and problem-solving skills. This can include learning how to identify and manage stress, communicate effectively, and set realistic goals.

Cognitive therapy is often used to treat a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and eating disorders. It is typically a short-term treatment, with sessions typically lasting between 12 and 20 weeks.

Overall, cognitive therapy is a highly effective form of psychotherapy that can help individuals overcome negative thinking patterns and improve their mental health and well-being.

We offer Cognitive Therapy to help clear blocks in a number of our coaching packages

Book a time here  –

Laser Coaching Calls

Laser coaching calls

Laser coaching calls
Richard O’Neill – Senior Coach

Laser coaching calls are a type of coaching session where a coach and a client engage in a focused and intensive conversation to address specific issues or goals. The term “laser” refers to the idea of being precise, focused, and efficient, just like a laser beam.

During a laser coaching call, the coach works with the client to identify the specific area or issue that they want to work on. This could be anything from improving communication skills, setting better boundaries, or managing stress more effectively.

Once the issue has been identified, the coach and client work together to create an action plan to address it. The coach may use a range of coaching techniques and tools to help the client gain clarity, overcome obstacles, and take action towards their goal.

Laser coaching calls are typically shorter than traditional coaching sessions, lasting anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. This allows for a quick and focused discussion that can be easily fit into a busy schedule. Many coaches offer laser coaching as a standalone service or as a complement to longer coaching packages.

We offer Laser coaching calls in a number of our coaching packages

Book a time here  –