Tag: results coach

Rapid Results Business Breakthrough Webinar

This Rapid Results Business Breakthrough webinar for Survival & Thrival is an exciting online event that will transform your life!

The Rapid Results Breakthrough for Survival & Thrival is a one-of-a-kind experience designed to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals rapidly.

Delivered by Richard T. O’Neill BE, FAIM an explorer, business professional and journey leader, with over 33 years of international experience in corporates, SMEs and government, as a business owner, business planner, consultant, coach, and mentor, you will see how you and your business can add so much more value in this 1 hour online event, with tools and strategies you need to thrive in today’s fast-paced world. Learn more about us here

You will gain valuable insights and actionable steps to create rapid results in key areas of your life.

Whether you’re looking to expand business profits, enhance your career, improve your relationships, or boost your overall well-being, this event is for you.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and take your life and business to the next level!

Register here  – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcocu2vrjMsEtXu8QNT6BQ4XTW17XLieGGd

Here’s What People say …

  • “Inspirational …. I re-wrote my business plan the next day” ….. Company Director
  • “I saw the importance of my role in my company & how I can add so much more value” – Manager
  • “I really got why I’ve not been tapping my full potential…. this has been a real breakthrough for me … the easy & welcome way that you helped us connect with the land, and with my true self, and the group energy you brought together helped me see this – CEO & business leader

Register here  – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcocu2vrjMsEtXu8QNT6BQ4XTW17XLieGGd

Why Do I Need A Coach

Why Do I Need A Coach
Senior Coach – Richard O’Neill

You may have asked Why Do I Need A Coach … Well the truth is most top performers or people wanting to go places whether in business, sport, politics life and relationships or any other field have a coach because they get great value from them.

A coach can give an outside view and see you better in your environment, and see how you are reacting to it.

A coach is like having another team member especially there supporting you.

Here’s what 5 famous top performers say about Why You Need A Coach

“Everyone needs a coach. We all need people that give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, business magnate, investor, author, self-proclaimed philanthropist and humanitarian


“The one thing that people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really, really helps.”

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, Executive Chairman of Google and Alphabet Inc.


“[Coaching helps you] stop the crazy mind chatter in your head that tells you all the time that you’re not good enough.”

Oprah Winfrey, Television personality, actress and entrepreneur


“Something bad has happened to everybody on the planet. But if you continue to tell that story to yourself, that that is who you are, it will continue to be true. But it doesn’t have to be that way.”

Hugh Jackman, Award-winning actor, singer and producer


So Why Do I Need A Coach ? – to be the best you can be and live a life you love.


Contact Richard O’Neill for more information or book a Free Coaching Discovery Call Here

 – https://calendly.com/richardoneill

Understanding Your Shadow Values

Understanding Your Understanding Your Shadow ValuesShadow Values – Illuminating the Depths

In the pursuit of self-discovery, Understanding Your Shadow Values is a key. We often come across the concept of ‘values.’ These are the guiding principles that shape our behavior and decisions in life. Most of us can readily identify our primary values, such as honesty, integrity, and kindness. However, lurking beneath these overt values is a lesser-known concept that is equally influential in our lives: Shadow Values.

What are Shadow Values?

Shadow Values are those values that we subconsciously prioritize, often without our explicit acknowledgment. They are the hidden forces that influence our actions and reactions, sitting in the darker recesses of our psyche. Unlike our expressed values, which we proudly display and uphold, shadow values can sometimes be those we are not overtly proud of or are in conflict with our ideal self-image.

Why are Understanding Shadow Values Important?

Shadow Values are a critical piece of our psychological puzzle. They can drive us to behave in ways that might seem out of character or contradict our declared values. For example, someone might profess a value of generosity but find themselves acting stingily in certain situations. Here, a shadow value of security or control might be at play, driving them to conserve resources.

Understanding our shadow values is vital for a few reasons:

  1. Authenticity: Recognizing these values helps us to be more honest with ourselves and others.
  2. Congruence: It creates a more profound sense of congruence in our lives when our actions align with both our conscious and unconscious values.
  3. Personal Growth: By acknowledging and integrating our shadow values, we can address internal conflicts and move towards a more holistic self.

Identifying Your Shadow Values

Identifying shadow values is not straightforward, as they often manifest indirectly. They can be uncovered by examining patterns in our behavior, especially those that cause discomfort or regret. Reflecting on moments when we’ve felt justified in behavior that others have questioned can also reveal them.

Another way to spot shadow values is through our emotional reactions. Strong emotional charges, like envy or disdain, can point to a shadow value at play. For instance, feeling envious of someone’s success might point to an unrecognized value of achievement or recognition.

Integrating Shadow Values

The process of integrating shadow values involves acknowledging their presence and understanding their function. Here are some steps to work through:

  1. Acceptance: Accept that you have shadow values, just like everyone else. This is not a failure of character, but a part of being human.
  2. Mindfulness: Pay attention to when these shadow values are influencing your behavior. What triggers them? How do they make you feel?
  3. Exploration: Explore the origins of these values. Often, they are rooted in past experiences or modeled behavior from influential figures in our lives.
  4. Reconciliation: Find ways to reconcile your shadow values with your conscious values. Can they be aligned or balanced in some way?

Living with Your Shadow Values

Living with your shadow values does not mean giving them free reign but rather incorporating them into your life in a healthy and balanced way. It’s about recognizing that sometimes what we devalue or hide is also what we need to examine to understand ourselves fully.

For example, if a shadow value of control is undermining your relationships, acknowledging it can help you understand your need for security. You can then work on finding ways to meet your need for security without compromising on your value of trust or freedom.


Shadow values are a powerful yet often neglected aspect of our inner world. By bringing them into the light, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of our motives and behaviors, leading to greater self-awareness and life harmony. Remember, your shadow values are not your enemies; they are silent messengers, whispering truths about you that, once heard, can guide you towards a more authentic and fulfilling life.

See also https://www.excelink.com.au/shadow-values/

You can get the Clarity & Results you want Book a time here – https://calendly.com/richardoneill

Clearing Limiting Subconscious Beliefs

Clearing Limiting Subconscious Beliefs

Clearing Limiting Subconscious Beliefs
Richard O’Neill – Senior Coach

As an executive coach, I have seen firsthand the impact that limiting subconscious beliefs can have on an individual’s personal and professional life. Clearing Limiting Subconscious Beliefs is now one of easiest and most powerful pathways to achieving a more fulfilling life and work experience.

These negative or limiting subconscious beliefs can hold us back from reaching our full potential, creating self-doubt, and self-sabotage.

The good news is that these beliefs can now be rapidly uncovered and cleared, resulting in significant benefits for personal and professional growth.

Discovering Negative or Limiting Subconscious Beliefs

Negative subconscious beliefs are formed through past experiences, messages, and conditioning. Often, we are not aware of these beliefs because they are deeply embedded in our subconscious mind. Some common negative subconscious beliefs include:

  • “I am not good enough”
  • “I am not worthy”
  • “I am not capable”
  • “Success is hard to achieve”
  • “Money is evil”
  • “I am always rejected”

These beliefs can hold us back from taking risks, pursuing our goals, and living a fulfilling life. Identifying these beliefs is the first step in clearing them.

The Benefits of Clearing LIMITING Subconscious Beliefs

Clearing limiting subconscious beliefs can be a life-changing experience. Here are some of the benefits that can be gained:

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Identifying negative subconscious beliefs helps individuals to become more self-aware of their thoughts and behaviors. This awareness enables them to take responsibility for their actions and make positive changes.
  • Improved Self-Confidence: Clearing negative subconscious beliefs can boost self-confidence and increase self-esteem. Individuals can start to believe in themselves and their abilities, leading to a more positive outlook on life.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Negative subconscious beliefs can hinder creativity and innovation. Clearing these beliefs can open up new possibilities and ideas, leading to more creative solutions and opportunities.
  • Increased Productivity: Negative subconscious beliefs can lead to procrastination and lack of motivation. Clearing these beliefs can increase focus and productivity, allowing individuals to achieve their goals more efficiently.
  • Improved Relationships: Negative subconscious beliefs can affect relationships with others. Clearing these beliefs can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships, as individuals become more open and confident.

How to Clear Limiting Subconscious Beliefs

Clearing negative or limiting subconscious beliefs can be a transformative experience that can lead to personal and professional growth. By identifying and challenging these beliefs, individuals can gain a more positive outlook on life, increase self-confidence, and achieve their goals more rapidly

We use proven leading edge techniques to quickly identify and clear beliefs that may not be supporting clients.

Book a Complimentary Strategy Session below, or Check out what people say

BOOK a Complimentary 45 minute Strategy Session here – https://calendly.com/richardoneill

Understand Results Coaching

Understand Results Coaching

Understand Results Coaching
Richard O’Neill – Senior Coach

This post is aimed to help you better understand Results Coaching.  Results coaching is a process of guiding individuals or teams towards achieving their desired outcomes or goals by identifying and addressing the underlying factors that may be hindering their progress. The aim of results coaching is to help individuals or teams reach their full potential and perform at their best.

Results coaching involves a series of structured conversations and processes between the coach and the individual or team being coached. The coach helps the coachee identify their goals, define their vision, and develop a plan to achieve their desired outcomes. The coach also helps the coachee identify any obstacles or challenges that may be preventing them from achieving their goals and works with them to develop strategies to overcome these challenges.

Our Results Coaching process usually starts with clarifying the driving Values, Shadow Values and Visions of the client or team. Then setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and a realistic Action Plan. The coach works with the individual or team to develop an action plan and provides support and guidance throughout the implementation process. Regular progress reviews and feedback are an important part of the coaching process to help individuals stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

Understand Results Coaching includes accountability

One of the key principles of results coaching is accountability. The coach holds the coachee accountable for taking the necessary actions to achieve their goals and monitors their progress along the way. This helps the coachee stay focused and motivated to achieve their desired outcomes.

Results coaching can be used in a variety of contexts, including personal development, career development, and organizational development. The benefits of results coaching include increased self-awareness, improved communication skills, enhanced leadership abilities, and improved performance.

Hopefully this has helped you more clearly understand Results coaching as a powerful tool for individuals and teams who want to achieve their goals and maximize their potential.

By working with our Results Coach, individuals and teams can overcome obstacles, develop effective strategies, and achieve success more rapidly.

“For things to Change First I must Change”

Now You Can Make the Decision to Change and Take Action –

BOOK a FREE 45 minute Vision & Strategy Session here


Check out another Coaching type here Lazer Coaching 

See more information here – https://www.youtube.com/@excelinkresultscoaching


How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success

How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success

Here is how Your Integrity Empowers Your Success You can accelerate your creativity, evolution and success in your life by consciously addressing your integrity – meaning your connection / relationship / oneness with all people, life and all things.

This can be considered the “Age of Integrity”, after the Information Age has exposed the truth for many  … Now people and organizations are being called to integrity – with the planet, in organizations and in each relationship you have. Those not in Integrity are collapsing and will expire or evolve (Prigogine Principle) for example – numerous religions, companies such as Enron, some financial institutions, some governments, some buildings, some structures …

“Integrity is the essence of everything”Buckminster Fuller

Humanity is being called to one-ness – which means Integrity

Your evolution can be accelerated when you apply this Integrity Checklist …  Use it and see How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success

Best to download the PDF here or click the image –  Integrity Checklist . 

How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success INTEGRITY CHECKLIST
You can accelerate your creativity, evolution and success in your life by consciously addressing your integrity – meaning your connection / relationship / oneness with all people and all things.

The “to do” list contains items that represent items that likely drain your energy. Releasing these will re-integrate and vitalize you.
Begin the checklist by inserting the completion date targeted for the item in the left hand column under Completion Date.

Tick off each item as it is completed. You will feel so much better as you complete the list.


Your Name: _________________________________________

Your Agreement – I now agree with myself to complete the entire Integrity Checklist by: _________

To Do                                                                                                         Completion Date                                                      Tick Complete
1. Deliver any undelivered communications
• Letters to be written
• Acknowledgements to be written
• Broken promises to be acknowledged
• Any lies to be cleaned up
• Anything hidden or held secret to be communicated

2. Resolve any broken agreements
3. Clean your living space totally
4. Clean your car thoroughly
5. Clean your office space
6. Complete any unended cycles
7. Organize your personal files
8. Balance your bank account
9. Pay your bills or make new agreements with your creditors.

Other items ?

Download the Integrity Checklist and see How Your Integrity Empowers Your Success

From Our Book Creation Journeys – A Travellers Guide for Earthlings